Monday 6 February 2012

Things go better with The Art of Marraige

Planning a Wedding? Five Things to Discuss With Your Wedding Officiant by Reverend Leslie plugs pluggedWhether your dream wedding is a candle lit ceremony under the stars, a traditional wedding ceremony in a church, hotel, or restaurant or a wedding in the park, your wedding ceremony and your wedding vows will become a memory that stays with you forever.

To ensure that your wedding is all you want it to be, you may want to discuss these five (5) topics with your wedding Officiant.

1) Wedding Guests : Often times, wedding guests attend simply as spectators. Other times, wedding guests become participants in the wedding ceremony. Perhaps as simply as having parents give their children into marriage or including children of the couple in the wedding vows. Your wedding ceremony can also include asking your guests for a promise of support. The level of interaction with your wedding guests is entirely up to you.

Discuss: Do you want participation with/from any of your wedding guests?

2) Prayers, Readings or Music : Sometimes the bride and groom will have a special poem, verse, reading, song, quotation or prayer that they would like worked into the wedding ceremony. Reverend Leslie specializes in custom wedding ceremonies and would be happy to work with you to include those special pieces when creating wedding vows and a wedding planner that's everything you want it to be.

Discuss: Do you have special readings, prayers or music that you would like woven into your wedding decorations?

3) Wedding Rituals : As an unbiased and non-denominational wedding officiant, Reverend Leslie is happy to include wedding rituals that have significance to you. Some couples like to receive a blessing, light candles to signify their unity, or to honor their parents with flowers as part of the wedding ceremony.

Discuss: Are there special wedding rituals that you would like to include in your wedding ceremony?

4) Wedding Attire : I traditionally wear a business suit when performing wedding ceremonies, but your officiant should be happy to discuss attire with you to ensure that his/her attire looks elegant with your wedding party.

Discuss: Do you have any thoughts regarding attire of your officiant?

5) Exchange of Rings : If you are planning to include children in your wedding ceremony, especially as a ring bearer, please do consider making an alternate plan in case the child is not able to carry through. Though children usually enjoy the attention, it is not unknown for a child to panic and be afraid to participate. Having another plan that is equally meaning and touching can save the day.
Discuss: If you are planning to include children in your wedding ceremony, have you planned what to do if they are not able to participate?